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Blessings of Ganesha


Aries: A very positive phase in your life has come. You are sure to come up with genuinely creative and brilliant ideas. Once again, a guarantee from Ganesha himself, not the astrologer. (all forms of entertainment, the media, the sports, the arts are your special field, your forte). That’s how it’ll be this period. Perhaps even holidays, short trips, a period filing, walking a little bit on the wild side, but fun, nevertheless. In property matters you are daring, gambling and speculating with rare insight which may, quite likely, click brilliantly and whatever decision you will take will give you positive results.

Taurus: I could sum it up with fun, frolic, greater spirituality, greater insights. That’s about it. You’ll try to create a good profit from the land which you are going to sell. The entertainments and good times will continue, as will your genius at inspiration and innovation. Work will be willful, even rash determination to execute your own ideas. You should listen to others, too, no matter now brilliant your own performance. This will apply equally to work and love- both could suffer as a consequence. The best of plans and ideas improve with discussion.

Gemini: It is a time for change – in your work, relationships, lifestyle, even your image and also the office. You will get new work and contract by changing the office. You may once again be tempted to take shortcuts, even do the wrong thing if it gets the right result. Ganesha warns you very strictly that here and now, in both family, domestic affairs and work, the end does not justify the means. You must share work, possessions, pleasures, and space. You can create beauty even from chaos. A surge of money and power comes to you.

Cancer: Your values are redefined, renewed, revamped as you strive for emotional balance, security and steadiness. This could happen when you are concluding or winding up some projects/enter prizes/even relationships. Birth and death are both dealt with – thus joy and sorrow, both sides of the coin to be handled. On the whole though, there is – movement and growth this period in  the properties that you have.

Leo: Doubts, despair even some form of emotional bondage will be broken away from. A stronger, confident you can relate better to all the decisions that you take in the construction of your home. All I can say is – all your needs are fulfilled by Ganesh. People come to you with warmth, affection, sharing the good times and the bad, strengthening your spirit and your resolution. A high powered period, which brings many gains and sets you firmly on the path to success in 2013 and beyond.

Virgo: Just when you feel you’ve got things moving smoothly, there could be snags, delays or tension at work on your mind. There could be problems and challenges at work that you will have to address. So it’s not likely to be all play. The period is likely to sell your home as it may give less benefits in the future. When handling all these – work, love, health, competition – intuition, perception and sensitivity will once again (and always) be your best bet.

Libra: Ganesha says, this is an important period for all the builders, so start it well, as it will have an impact on your future. This year will have a spin-off into the next year and shape it. It is a year of changes and adjustments, both at your workplace and in the family and social scene. There is a certain determination building up within you to alter, not your life or circumstances, but practically recast yourself in a new image. Do not do any deal without papers or agreements as it may give you loss.

Scorpio: Doubts, anxieties, tension – and their companions of mood and feeling variations are the dominant theme. This phase is much more than a mere shift of mood so do not take any decisions urgently in buying or selling the plots or the properties that you have. There is anxiety about health – your own or that of a loved one; may be even dealing with hospitals, doctors, bills and such – and equal anxiety about money. The gains of last period are not really sustained Sudden windfalls don’t happen every time, do they?

Sagittarius: Positive thinking always brings success or at least, closure and that is the theme now. As is usual with most Sagittarians the activity will be intensely personal, subjective, even ego-centered in terms of assessment and awareness of self; your good points, limitations, scope for improvement are held up to a mercilessly piercing scrutinity. The motivation, of course, is a true and genuine
desire for improvement. A more positive approach will make all the difference in making the profits from the built ups.

Capricorn: I could sum up this period in just two words – love and luck. First of all, a more positive and practical approach makes for success at work. You work positively towards better ties and bonds, realizing that accepting them makes daily life easier, more  cheerful. I see chances of new partnerships in the construction of the offices. You can win over opposition to your plans and perhaps even carry through some rather farfetched schemes. Money-matters like raising capital, trade, rentals, even taxes, investments and joint-funds are all favoured. In fact, shared income (with your spouse/mate) will be the most satisfactory part.

Aquarius: Achievements, results, recognitions galore now. Your personality is coming out in all its splendor. In fact, change calls forth your creative aplomb. You are full of enthusiasm for tasks, and make some truly inspired very active, making interesting changes and turning the daily grind of domesticity into fun and pleasure. This eternally  youthful quality is the trademark. It will give you ample and positive results if you invest in the residential plots.

Pisces: Where it was performance, now it is people that will be the focal point or theme. There’s a marvellous closeness buildup with parents, older people, in-laws who might not always approve of your – to them – eccentric and strongly different ways. A second home i.e. entering a new home, or trips and travel for fun, togetherness or just getting away fro it all. Your fun-loving side comes to the forefront and people are drawn to you; sharing and caring are both reciprocated

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  Adolf Hitler is thought to have used an Astrologer throughout the Second World War.
  The Kepler College of Astrology Arts and Sciences in Seattle, USA, is the first institution in the West to issue BA and MA degrees in Astrological studies.

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