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CP Avant serves meal to 500 senior citizens on World Food Day

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CP Avant, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Charoen Pokphand Group, Thailand, reached out to veterans with meal boxes.

The drive took place in collaboration with Earth Saviours Foundation, an internationally recognised NGO, which provides shelter to abandoned senior citizens and mentally disabled.

food to senior citizens

CP Group of companies distributed free meals from its quick service restaurant, Five Star, to 500 veterans. The activity culminated on October 18 by the two subsidiaries of the Group: CP Avant Pvt. Ltd. and CP Foods.

World Food Day

Kasinn Khaow prasert, Director, CP Avant Pvt. Ltd, said, “The pandemic has critically impacted the lifestyle of weaker sections, incapacitated them for even fulfilling basic needs. Our team highlighted such difficulty faced by the people and decided to serve one in need this World Food Day.”

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