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Dynamic and seasoned professional Mr. Rakesh Zutshi appointed new President of ELCOMA

Mr. Rakesh

New Delhi, 17th October 2016: Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers’ Association (ELCOMA), which represents the entire lighting industry in the country has appointed Mr. Rakesh Zutshi, Managing Director, Halonix Technologies as its new President. As an active member of ELCOMA, he has been instrumental in forming various decisions and policies of the association. He has worked closely with his counterparts to bring several issues faced by the industry to the fore with simultaneously developing and executing the strategy of ELCOMA for the welfare of the entire industry.

A dynamic and seasoned industry professional with a distinguished career in lighting industry, Mr. Zutshi has been a major industry spokesperson. Highly regarded in the national and international marketplace, Mr. Zutshi is frequently requested by the industry to provide his viewpoints in various conferences and seminars.

While taking over the reins of leadership in ELCOMA, Mr. Rakesh Zutshi, President (appointed), ELCOMA said, “It’s an honour and a privilege to be a part of an organisation that deeply cares about the concerns of the industry. I look forward with excitement to work with the team and take ELCOMA to the next level.”

According to ELCOMA, Mr. Zutshi’s extensive experience and expertise will help strengthen the position of ELCOMA, as he is well adept in all facets of lighting industry. As an association, ELCOMA works to draw attention of the government to the difficulties face by the members besides highlighting the developments in new light sources and energy saving solutions to the customers.

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