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Fast charging is the right solution

fast charging


It’s a known fact that electric mobility is among the main solutions to checking increased damage to the environment. Realising the need, India is pushing the sale of EVs and there is also an increased focus on developing charging infrastructure. Fast chargers, with a host of advantages, are the most appropriate for urban cities but they also come with a few disadvantage. It is essential to educate potential EV buyers on all these aspects.

Human beings have altered the environment with rapid industrialisation and deforestation resulting in climate change and global warming. The declining climate scenario and ever-depleting fossil fuel position have called for changes that need to be implemented forthwith.

One of these changes is electrification of all means of transport. There is a pressing need to deploy renewable sources of energy, like solar and wind, on a large scale to generate clean electricity. Renewable sources of energy are necessary to reduce pollution across the globe.

  • There is a pressing need to deploy renewable sources of energy, like solar and wind, on a large scale to generate clean electricity.
  • Along with greater consciousness among people and proactive measures by the automobile industry, the Government is also pushing the sale of EVs in the country.
  • Fast chargers are focused on more than 150 kW charging. Large fast charging stations with more than 10 chargers are capable of serving hundreds of cars in a day.
  • Frequent fast charging of the lithium Ion battery pack can lead to overheating and explosion just as in the case of a mobile phone.

With these goals in mind, India has been gradually witnessing increased popularity of electric vehicles. Along with greater consciousness among people and proactive measures by the automobile industry, the Government is also pushing the sale of EVs in the country through awareness drives regarding the benefits of EVs over conventional internal combustion engine-based vehicles.

Despite all that, India still lacks a decent EV charging infrastructure and the focus of the Government and private companies, therefore, is largely on developing EV charging stations across the country. Once a fair amount of success is achieved in this direction, it will not only end the range anxiety of EV users, but also boost the sales of EVs further. The Government, with its FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Cars) initiative, is trying to do just that for the automobile market in the country.

Fast charging stations are simple and grid-friendly solutions to charge a large number of EVs on renewable energy. As these stations don’t require large land area, they are the right solutions for urban areas to charge a higher numbers of EVs at a faster pace. Fast chargers are focused on more than 150 kW charging. Large fast charging stations with more than 10 chargers are capable of serving hundreds of cars in a day; with just one grid connection. This significantly lowers the burden on grid companies. All the fast chargers are connected to the medium voltage distribution grids, helping divert the additional load from the low voltage grid to the rest of the grid and balance it out.

Though fast charging has multiple advantages, it also has a few disadvantages. Primarily, constant fast charging can affect the life of an EV battery. Also, frequent fast charging of the lithium Ion battery pack can lead to overheating and explosion just as in the case of a mobile phone. Therefore, it is crucial for manufacturers to educate /consumers about the downfalls of fast chargers also so as to help them make an informed decision while purchasing an EV.

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