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Gateway Distriparks‘ new ICD at Jaipur

Delhi, September 21, 2022: Gateway Distriparks Limited (GDL) announces that the company has completed the purchase of land at Dhanakya, near Jaipur, and will now commence construction of a new rail-linked Inland Container Depot (ICD). This will be the company’s fifth ICD besides five Container Freight Stations taking the total to 10 container terminals on a pan India basis. GDL has already spent Rs. 27 crores for the land acquisition and will spend another Rs. 50 crores towards the cost of development of the ICD in the initial phase.

The ICD will be spread over 30 acres, having two rail sidings and a designed annual capacity to handle over 125,000 TEUs and is located near Dhanakya railway station. This section is already a double stack route, currently under electrification.

The company will also be constructing an integrated warehousing complex and offer first & last mile road delivery for providing end to end multimodal services to the industrial areas of the Jaipur market, including Jaipur, Bindayaka, Dausa, Kolana, Sitapura, Hirawala. 

Prem Kishan Gupta, CMD of GDL said, “With the launch of National Logistics Policy by the PM, all the clearances will be under one roof and will enable us to develop this location as a multimodal logistics park and make it operational within the next 12 months. GDL will continue to develop multimodal logistics parks at major industrial and trading hubs across India.”

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