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New Delhi-based Khan Market most expensive retail location in India: C&W

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C&W LogoGlobal real estate consultancy firm Cushman & Wakefield (C&W) on Wednesday said that Khan Market (1,250/sf/mnth) in New Delhi has emerged most expensive retail locations in the country in the global ranking and positioned at the 28th most expensive in the world as well.

India however, dropped in the global ranking from 26th to 28th position due to the weakening of the Indian rupee against US dollar and largely stable rentals with limited increment in rental values.

India amongst the top ten global markets to recorded the highest rental increase year on year as per the annual report ‘Main Streets across the World 2013’ by the global real estate consultancy firm, India recorded the 8th highest growth in retail rental values globally with an annual growth of 29% year-on- year.

South Extension in New Delhi, India was at 17th position with an annual growth 20% y-o-y. Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow, Russia recorded the highest rental growth of 42% y-o-y. The report is widely recognised as the barometer for the global retail market and ranks the most expensive locations in the top 334 shopping destinations across 64 countries.

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