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Prateek Group to start “#I Pledge” movement on World Environment day

prateek group

Real estate developer of NCR, Prateek Group, on Saturday initiated a pledge movement to raise awareness about sustainable environment.

According to a press release, the campaign under the name “#I Pledge” is meant to remind and create awareness among people about their responsibilities towards environment.” #I Pledge” movement will encourage people to adapt to things which can help to protect environment for a better future.

The release said, the “#I Pledge” contest will commemorate ‘World Environment Day’ through digital medium as well as in the company’s corporate office. Through the “#I Pledge” movement, people will be encouraged to come forward and write their pledge on the social media accounts of the group and on the pledge wall of their corporate office. The best pledge from both these mediums would receive exclusive gratifications.

The group in its projects has taken up green initiatives to ensure that justice is done to the Mother Nature: Prateek Edifice is LEED certified green building conforming to ‘GOLD’ standard, Prateek Stylome with 85 per cent open green area and Prateek Grand City comes with green initiatives like open lawns, green gardens, healing garden etc. Besides this, the groups projects have facilities like rain water harvesting, theme landscaped gardens and water bodies etc, said the release.

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