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Promoters must publish Project QR Codes in  every brochure and advertisement: UP RERA

Lucknow / Gautam Buddh Nagar, July 18, 2024: U.P. RERA has taken an important step towards bringing accountability and transparency in the business of the real estate promoters and to empower the consumers. It is now assigning a unique Q.R. Code to every new project being registered with it and to every project with live or valid registration. Anybody desirous to make investment in a project can simply scan this Code with his mobile phone, readily get all the details of the project from the portal of U.P. RERA and verify the information about the projects provided by the promoter in the advertisements. 

In order to ensure that the benefits of this facility actually reaches the consumers, U.P. RERA has made it mandatory for the promoters that they shall publish this project Q.R. Code in all sort of documents shared with the allottees such as the booking forms, allotment letters, BBAs and all the advertisements for promotion and marketing of the project, such as print, electronic, digital, online, social, audio-video and YouTube, e-mailers, SMS, brochures, pamphlets, outdoor hoardings, portals created by real estate agents, social media pages and digital channels.

An allottee, by simply scanning the Q.R. Code with the help of his mobile, will be able to readily get all details related to the project, such as land documents, approved layouts and maps, project specifications and amenities, start and completion dates, bank accounts, promoters, co-promoters, registered agents, quarterly progress report (Q.P.R), O.C. or C.C., other requisite and NOCs. This facility will be highly useful for the consumers to make conscious and judicious choice while buying residential or commercial unit without having to go to the office of the promoter or the real estate agent or the concerned planning authority. 

RERA had observed that Promoters advertise and promote their projects extensively through all forms of advertising, however the home buyers have no easily accessible medium of verifying the features, amenities and other details mentioned in such advertisements and have to rely solely on the information disseminated by the promoters or the real estate agents. But hence forward, the same advertisement will become the source of verification of the information relating to the project given by the promoter, by the prospective buyer with the help of the unique Q.R. Code assigned to the project by U.P. RERA. 

Sanjay Bhoosreddy, Chairman, U.P. RERA said that the Authority is constantly striving to empower the consumers of the real estate sector and bring transparency and accountability at the end of the promoters. Promotion and advertisement of the project is the strongest instrument to promote the sale of 

real estate properties but RERA has to ensure that no innocent buyer is deceived through the advertisements. To make sure that the consumer readily gets complete and correct information about the project and the promoter, we have assign a unique Q.R. Code to the projects and made it mandatory for the promoters to give this Q.R. Code on all the documents shared with the allottees and all the promotions and advertisements. The consumer does not have to go anywhere to verify the details of the projects but only to scan the Q.R. Code and instantly gets all project related details on the mobile screen.

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