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Rajasthan attracts INR 40,000 crore investments at EXPO2020


Dubai, November 18, 2021: The Rajasthan week at the India Pavilion at EXPO2020 Dubai ended on November 18, 2021. Rajasthan bagged 18 Letter of Intents (LoI) and 24 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) involving investment of around Rs 40,000 crore. These investments are proposed in various sectors such as tourism, logistics, petroleum, agri & food processing, e-waste recycling & energy, IT, real estate etc.

The week witnessed series of one-to-one meetings, roundtables, business and media interactions and cultural programmes.

The delegation was led by three Ministers, Shanti Kumar Dhariwal, Minister for Urban Development & Housing, Parsadi Lal Meena, Minister for Industry and Arjun Singh Bamaniya, Minister of State for Industry, Government of Rajasthan. It also included Rukmani Riar Sihag, Executive Director, Rajasthan State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Limited (RIICO) & Additional Commissioner, Bureau of Investment Promotion (BIP), Rajasthan, Dhiraj Srivastava, Commissioner, Rajasthan Foundation, Rajiv Arora, President, FORE along with other officers from RIICO, Industries, BIP and Tourism.

State government has framed its investor friendly policies like RIPS-2019 and MSME Act to make investors in Dubai aware about the possibilities in Rajasthan for businesses to grow, thrive and succeed. State government has launched one stop shop to ensure ease of doing business.

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