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SAIL Records Best Ever 9M Prodn, Sales 

New Delhi, February, 2024: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has declared its financial results for the quarter and nine months ending December 31, 2023. 

Key highlights:

Performance of 9M FY 24 (Standalone) at a glance:

 Unit9M 22-239M 23-24
Crude Steel ProductionMillion Tonne13.3414.22
Sales VolumeMillion Tonne11.5212.46
Revenue from OperationsRs. Crore75,31777,417
Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA)Rs. Crore59788451
Profit Before Exceptional Items and TaxRs. Crore8592698
Exceptional ItemsRs. Crore(298)339
Profit Before Tax (PBT)Rs. Crore11572359
Profit After Tax (PAT)Rs. Crore8541722

Performance of Q3 FY 24 (Standalone) at a glance:

 UnitQ3 22-23Q2 23-24Q3 23-24
Crude Steel ProductionMillion Tonne4.714.804.75
Sales VolumeMillion Tonne4.154.773.81
Revenue from OperationsRs. Crore25,04229,71423,345
Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA)Rs. Crore21984,0432,319
Profit Before Exceptional Items and TaxRs. Crore3362,111384
Exceptional ItemsRs. Crore(298)415(76)
Profit Before Tax (PBT)Rs. Crore6351,696461
Profit After Tax (PAT)Rs. Crore4641,241331

The Company has achieved its best ever performance in production and sales for 9M of the financial year. The crude steel production and sales volume have registered a growth of 6.6% and 8.2% respectively during 9M FY’24 over CPLY. 

Amarendu Prakash, Chairman, SAIL said, “The consistent efforts by the Company towards increasing its volumes have had a positive impact on the financial performance despite the significant decline in the price realization during the quarter. The Company remains steadfast in its commitment towards sustainable performance including emphasis on de-carbonisation, improving capacity utilization, value addition, enhanced digitalization and achieving cost competitiveness”.

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