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SAIL Wins Eight National Awards for Communication Excellence

New Delhi, December 24, 2024: Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has been conferred with eight national awards by the Public Relations Society of India (PRSI).

These PRSI National Awards 2024 were given away at the 46th All India Public Relations Conference held at Raipur during December 20-22, 2024. SAIL was recognized in various categories viz. E-Newsletter for SAIL Track, Corporate Film (English), Best Communication Campaigns (Internal Publics) for SAIL Gaurav Diwas celebration, House Journal (English) for SAIL News, Best PR Programme for Promoting Science & Technology for steel plant technologies, Best Use of Social Media in a Corporate Campaign for promoting green steel, Corporate Website, as well as Annual Report.

SAIL Chairman Amarendu Prakash said, “These awards underscore the various efforts of our communication initiatives in enhancing SAIL’s image and outreach. SAIL has always given due emphasis on effective communication, which plays a crucial role in shaping the company’s image and forging better stakeholder relationships.”

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