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Smart ESS offers host of advantages

Smart ESS


With advancements in technology, electric substations (ESS) have become smart now. And in this category, Radius smart ESS stands out because of the host of advantages it offers to both the power utility and the consumers through its multiple layers of intelligence. While providing an enriched consumer experience, it’s a loss-reducer and revenue-earner for the power utilities.

An electric substation (ESS) is a crucial component of the electricity generation, transmission and distribution ecosystem. It is used to ‘step up’ or ‘step down’ high voltage electricity to low voltage so that it can be supplied to homes for domestic use.

With the technological advancements like Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine Learning (ML), ESS has now become ‘smart’. A smart ESS helps the power utility to track, monitor, protect and automate all the functions of the electric substation. It also helps the Electricity Department to prevent power loss and thereby, increase its revenue.

  • The smart ESS offered by Radius is a state-of-the-art solution that integrates all the components of an electrical infrastructure.
  • The Radius smart ESS has the capability to foresee and detect abnormalities in the system and take preventive safety measures.
  • This smart ESS solution also has the feature of automatic peak load management and automatic time synchronisation of all devices.

The smart ESS offered by Radius is a state-of-the-art solution that integrates all the components of an electrical infrastructure. This smart system has multiple layers of intelligence that are added through their proven IoT/M2M-based technology. All this enhances the reliability of the power system and eliminates any risk of failure.

The Radius smart ESS has the capability to foresee and detect abnormalities in the system and take preventive safety measures. The Government has made it clear that 24×7 availability of power supply is a must for distribution companies (DISCOMs) and any downtime will be penalised heavily. This means a heavy revenue loss for any DISCOM which faces such eventualities. The smart ESS works on the Turbo Ring network that optimises communication redundancy and has faster recovery time to prevent any revenue loss.

The smart ESS has the capability to detect faults and send alarms to electricity providers for early rectification. It can also detect phase imbalance, earth connection fault and high/low voltage. It sends real-time device status to all the stakeholders. The system has the capability to capture high-frequency data and store it in its logs. This smart ESS solution also has the feature of automatic peak load management and automatic time synchronisation of all devices. It sends auto alerts to the consumers at regular intervals to keep them updated. The consumers also have the benefit of downloading online the reports about their power demand, current and voltage.

End-users can monitor their power consumption on Xenius mobile app and can also subscribe for email and SMS notifications. The company also provides a single Xenius dashboard with consumption history, payment history, location of faulty sites, and all other data-points for proactive control.

Overall, the Radius smart ESS solution offers an enriched consumer experience, reduction in technical losses and huge commercial savings for the utility as well as the consumers.

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