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The Science Behind Vastu Shastra


With human race entering into a modern era with new hopes in the horizon of possibilities, Vastu Shastra is the only science that instructs how to maintain the best equilibrium in an individual’s life and his/her surrounding habitats.
By Aacharya Kamal Nandlal

Man has always strived to improve himself from time primeval, starting from the Stone Age to modern era. In race of modernization, we are leaving our etiquette behind, ensuring us to live as per the law of nature. Living in an unnatural way leads to all the sufferings of mankind. Human sufferings can be of many types such as physical and mental stress, imbalance in relationships, illness, worries, sorrows et al. Many generations are responsible for the disintegration of environment too. We the people of this blind modernization have created this suffocated habitat for our offspring, who are facing the survival issues in this perverted atmosphere.

Does this question have ever arrived in our mind that what is the goal of a successful balanced life? The answer is simple. This is nothing but a vastuhappy and healthy life with peace of mind for us and for our children as well. Thus, our first concern is that our self-made environment should be in a harmonious format. Human race has entered in to a modern era with new hopes in the horizon of possibilities. In order to get rid of human sufferings, we are trying to follow the path shown by our legendary scriptures.

The Sanskrit word Vastu emerges from word Vaas that means habitat in classic words it refers to place of adobe or place of shelter and the word Vastu means the architecture of habitat. The classic meaning of Vastu Shastra is “habitat architectural scientific scriptures”. Vastu Shastra is a part of the Veda’s scriptures, which are believed to be four to five thousand years old. The art of Vastu originates in the Sthapatya Veda, a part of the Atharv Veda which deals with the architecture. We can find many references in Vedas, Purana and other subsequent literature. Vastu is traditional Vedic Indian Science of Yantriki architecture.

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Our ancient saints have concluded the fact that anything living or non-living in the universe and the whole universe is made up of five basic elements or panch tatva. Vastu is a composite amalgam of panch tatva or five elements such as air, earth, fire, water and sky. The panch tatva is related to our five senses of smell, taste, hearing, touch and sight. Any imbalance in our external and internal Vaastu translates into unhappy situations. The justified proportions of panch tatva create bio-electric magnetic energy, which confer to health, wealth and prosperity. Vastu Shastra is the group of scientific principles made for structural designing in order of prime methodology for synchronizing your structure with nature and its energy inflow.

Vastu makes the individual to live in balance and harmony with the panch tatva. Vastu Shastra is the only science which instructs us how to maintain best equilibrium of these five elements in a building and make best use of them to energize mental and physical energies of inhabitants to the maximum extent. Vastu Shastra is about creating amicable settings or a place to live or work, in most scientific way by taking advantages of the benefits bestowed by the five elements of the nature.

auraVastu accomplishes the positive vibrations and energy inflow within houses and professional premises, which leads to the environment of absolute success, harmony, peace and good health. According to the ancient scriptures, our holy sages  adopted and practiced the principles of Vastu Shastra very strictly. As per the first universal architect Vishwakarma, Lord Brahma was the first recipient of this knowledge from Lord Shiva as a part of the Vedas, just like He received the knowledge of Vedic astrology. Vaastu Shastra as is practised presently and is based on the 125 verses contained in Brihat Samhita of Varahamihira. This very point indicates a vital link between the astrology and vastu.

Last but not the least, many a question arises in our mind about human habitat. They are: why some people are happy and others are not? Why some homes only witness miseries and yet others never ever? Is it merely because of the people’s destiny and habitat? And the answer is yes, apart from the destiny the domicile of the people matters the most for his/her fortune. Basically Vastu is a science which delineates the future of any structure. Besides, there are many factors which govern the life of human being; i.e. labour, luck, karma and fate. Vastu cannot change someone’s destiny but it can make sweet things sweeter and bitter things less bitter under proper guidance by experts.

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