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The storeroom plays a vital role as grains and provisions are stored in the house for their ready availability and use in emergency. It is therefore important to build and position the storeroom in accordance with Vaastu principles

Vaastu is a science of directions that combines the five elements of nature and cosmos, ultimately balancing the man and the material. This esoteric science is  purely based on logic and reasoning called as Vaastu Principals. In this issue I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally  and scientifically so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you don’t. In this segment of aura, we will discuss some essential Vaastu principles for the storeroom.

The storeroom as the name suggests is the space for storing foodstuff or junk. The storeroom in the house has both a functional and geo-biological significance. There are two different types of store storerooms – the food storeroom and the junk storeroom. The storeroom used for food storage is usually near the  kitchen whereas the storeroom used exclusively for junk storage may be under a staircase or elsewhere. We need to take care of  the following points while studying about the Vaastu of the storeroom. Vaastu for the storeroom includes the following points: proper location of the storeroom in the house, the direction of the entrance, the direction and placement of the windows, direction and placement of the  almirah, direction and placement of trunks, things to be placed in the storeroom, colour scheme of the room, etc.

The food storeroom

The food storeroom should be free from dampness which encourages the growth of fungus and  bacteria that can spoil the foodstuff. Scientifically, the food storeroom should be ideal near the kitchen and accessible for servants to clean and store grains in big homes. This store should be placed in the south portion of the building as it is beneficial in terms of  providing good provision of storage with  minimal chances of shortage in foodstuff. In this position, the  food store is adjacent to the kitchen in the south-east and can be  accessed conveniently. South direction is ruled by Mars, it represents heat and energy. In  winters, the Sun impacts the south portion of the house by noon, the intensity of the heat becomes pretty high which keeps the food storeroom dry and devoid of moisture. This is necessary for the long term storage of foodstuff. Therefore it is ideal to have the food storeroom in the south. Scientifically, the door to the food storeroom should be placed in the east, north and south-east as it become easy to access the  storeroom from the kitchen  which is best placed in the south-east direction.

Sacks containing annual provisions should be stored in the south-west direction. Store the flammable materials like kerosene, cooking gas cylinder, and other fuel used for cooking purposes in the southeast.  Oil, butter and ghee should be stored in between the south and south-east. Scientifically, the height of the food storeroom should be more than other rooms, as a room with a high ceiling will be more airy and will allow for the movement of air around the large quantities of stored foodstuff. The  south-east corner of the house is considered the ‘aagneya’ (fire) corner and so the combustible materials should be kept here; as things like oil, ghee and gas cylinder etc should be stored in the southeast corner of the storeroom.

vastuEast is the direction of new life. Food bestows new life to all living beings. Empty containers are not  auspicious in the storeroom. Dispose off empty containers or fill up them with some grains or other material. Remove all the cobwebs from the granary. Avoid taking out any provisions from the granary in the twilight period. Don’t keep your important  documents, cash or jewellery in this  room. No photographs or idols of gods are recommended here.  Don’t burn any incense here. This is not the place for doing any auspicious work. Gossiping, laughing or talking loudly while standing in this room should be avoided. Such acts will curtail your happiness in life. There should not be any basement in this portion as a basement may damage the entire infrastructure.

Junk storeroom

The junk storeroom can be any place where you dump  things you do not know what to do with. It can be a room in the house that is no longer usable as it is filled with junk. One of the best in-house storerooms is a closet. It is easy to access especially when you need an instantly clean room. Scientifically the junk storeroom should be  located in the north-west corner or western direction as the west and north-west directions get heated up more than the other directions because of the hot afternoon Sun and the re-reflection of its infra red rays from the ground.

Therefore, less-used rooms like a storeroom can be placed here as it will serve as a buffer and prevent the rest of the house from getting heated up. Since it will remain dry and moisture proof due to the heat, it is suitable for storing  things that won’t be used often. Sacks containing provisions of daily use should be stored in the north-west.

Always leave the eastern side vacant in the storeroom. White, blue or yellow are the desirable colours of the tiles and the walls. Try to avoid any kind of empty container in the storeroom.

Keep your eye on waste material in the house. The waste materials or articles may create ‘tamas’ and make the inhabitants inactive and lethargic. Whenever necessary, the junk storeroom should be built in the south-west corner of the open space around the main building, it is also called ‘upagruha’. It may have support of the south and west walls of the ‘paishacha’ or ‘pisacha’ area or zone. If space in the ‘paishacha’ zone is not feasible, the junk storeroom should be placed in the south-west zone of the building.

Scientifically one should never sleep in the storage room as the vibrations tend to obstruct the sleep as a store room is a stuffy place with all the junk and is not at all suitable for sleep.

The space for storage of waste should have minimum floor area. It should remain as heavy as possible. It is the ideal place for storing heavy material. The door of the junk  storeroom should be in the north or east direction. It should be made of one shutter or door. The junk  storeroom door can be of lesser height than other doors of the building.

Windows in the junk storeroom are required otherwise bad smells may form and it may harm when somebody enters the room so that least one window will be better to have in the east or north direction; a window in the west direction is also not bad.

Use dark grey or blue colour as wall paint. Grey colour represents the earth element. Avoid white and yellow colour. These colours energize the room. The junk storeroom is the place full of ‘tamas’ energy. Avoid storing any watery element in this area. There should not be any dampness or cracks in the walls. The flooring should be even throughout. Uneven flooring is inauspicious. The south-west room or store room floor height should  always be high or elevated in comparison with the other floor levels in the entire compound wall. Any construction defect should be immediately repaired; late action may  damage further structure. The junk storeroom is meant
for storing dead articles. It is not a place for living, sleeping or such like other activities.

Junk storerooms in the south-west accumulate negative energies of solar rays. People occupying this place during the daytime become quarrelsome, demonic and troublesome in the long run. Ultimately, benefits are lesser  than the problems created. If sick persons are kept in this  room, death draws nearer. This area is full of ‘tamas’ energy of Rahu, the ‘sarpa’. Avoid visiting the junk storeroom in the afternoon, evening or night.

(The writer is a vastu expert who holds a PhD in Vedic Astrology & Masters of vedic Vastu)
The author can be contacted at, (M) +91-9929096678

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