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Vastu to mould your destiny


The rule book of Vastu Shastra relates a person with the house and with the earth. A decent and a sound domain composed and enhanced according to Vastu would guarantee solid personality in a solid body. Vastu is the specially of adjusting energies through interior decoration for getting best out of Nature. This brilliant science is bit by bit spreading to the different parts of the globe.

Vastu Shastra means abiding of humans and gods in the first Sanskrit literature. Since the entire universe consists of five components, to be specific earth, water, fire, air and space, the occupants of Vastu attempt to make equalisation in these and permit us to inspire the better strengths of nature for our development, empowering us to lead a more beneficial, wealthier and more content life.

Every one of the rules of Vastu Shastra is experimental, intelligent, and for all intents and purposes bolstered by all inclusive truths. The attractive vitality of the earth and solar vitality are best tapped by receiving the nuts and bolts of these sciences. Since sun is the major vast substance and we live on earth; which sustains all being similar to a mother, they are the fortune of all solaces and joy.

The unobtrusive vitality in characteristic and manufactured environment influence individuals have additionally been checked and increased in value by the individuals who did not have confidence in them at first. In this manner there is an extraordinary requirement for the architects and Vastu experts to facilitate; subsequent to architects can fabricate a tastefully opulent house yet can it guarantee cheerful life to the general population living in that house, though Vastu Shastra guarantees peace, thriving and advance to the proprietor as like wise the detainees.

Kitchen is the most vital room in a house since it influences the health and wealth of the entire crew. As per Vastu Shastra, the best place for a kitchen is the South-East corner, as South-East should be the spot of Fire God. From the useful and experimental perspective also, it is thought to be the best possible spot for a kitchen as useful infra-red beams originate from East and bright beams, which are destructive for germs like microbes, infection and so on, assaults from South.

The other choice particularly for west or north-bound houses prescribed by vastu Shastra is the North-West region, being the air zone which is the key for blazing action. The other satisfactory bearings can be East and South Zone likewise in order to keep the smoke and cooking Fumes from streaming into the living/working range and influencing the health ofthe detainees.

Bearing for cooking For good taste, as additionally to ensure legitimate strength of the family particularly women, the cooking hobs ought to be in a perfect world situated in a manner that one is confronting East while get ready sustenance. If there should arise an occurrence of a kitchen set in North-West corner of the house, one can confront West additionally while cooking.

Bedroom should be a spot for sentiment and unwinding. Vastu says that the room ought to be as far from North and East heading as could be expected under the circumstances. The more you are closer to South and West, the more you will discover peace and solace. That is the reason South-West or South zone is most appropriate for a main room. Never put your head towards North while resting since like shafts repels one another. It ought to be towards South, as it guarantees great health and quiet sleep (since our head being North post is pulled in by earth’s South shaft).

Putting your head in East or West is likewise advantageous relying on the area of entryways, window and toilets. Most extreme furniture ought to be continued South and West side of the room. Ideally, there ought not to be any intelligent surface in the room to guarantee amicable family life and better health.

In the event that, there is no other alternative yet to have a mirror /T. V/Computer and so on, spot it so as to not mirror the bed or you can cover the mirror with fabric before going to rest. Perfect hues for room dividers are off-white, light yellow, light green, or peach. Evade dull and fluorescent shades.

Bathrooms or toilets neighboring the South-East corner in the East heading are exceptionally valuable as the morning Sun-rays originating from East side fall on our body and murder the germs. It can likewise be developed in the West or North of Northwest or in the South headings, leaving the North-East and the South-West corners. The seat ought to be ideally set on North-South hub. Lavatory ought not to be put in the North-East or South-West zone of the room. The washbasin can be set in the Northern or Eastern zone. The spring can be set in the South-Eastern, South or East or Northwest zone of the wash-room.

According to old Vastu content, the lavatory ought to be wonderful, free from earth, hair, and beautified with blossoms, plants and fragrant substances. The Colours ought to be light, invigorating, for example, light blue, green, greyish and so on. A considerable measure of normal light, air and ventilation is the fundamental necessity of this some portion of the house.

Living rooms are the territories where visitors are entertained in the first occurrence, the stylistic layout of this room reflecting to more prominent degree the status of the inhabitants. Keeping in perspective the utility of such room, it will be desirable over find the zones in Mid-East or Mid West as the kitchen in North-West or South-East will have the capacity to serve these rooms easily. For North/North-West confronting houses, it can be situated in North-West and North-East too. For South confronting houses, front room can be situated in South-East too. In lounge room, entryways in the East and North are the first decision.

It must not have any entry way on the South-West side. Most extreme furniture, showcases, overwhelming articles ought to be put in the South-West, South or West zone. T.v. should be in the South-East zone or either in the South or West. It ought not be in the North-East or South-West corners. The furniture of the front room ought to be square or rectangular however not round, triangular, oval shapes or hexagonal. The portraits/statues of remorseless creatures, sobbing and naked kids/ladies, and scenes from war ought not be shown as they make disharmony among the relatives.

The writer is a Vastu expert who holds Ph.D in vedic Astrology & Masters of Vedic Vastu. He can be contacted at  +91-9310203939

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