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NAREDCO Mahi to host its 2ND Convention

New Delhi, February 20, 2023: NAREDCO Mahi announced its second national convention on March 3, 2023 in New Delhi.

A press release issued by the company says that the Convention will have a diverse range of seminars with a focus on four distinct themes. The conversation will be based on Water Saving, Empowering Real Women in the Real World, Green Building & Sustainability and Start-ups. The Convention to have debates on how the Real Estate Industry can successfully recycle WasteWater and transition to net zero water waste, as well as how the sector can provide sustainable, energy- and water-efficient solutions. It will also shed light on the essential components of gender integration, how society is moving in the direction of Empowering Women, Gender Pay Equity in the Real Estate Industry and Underrepresentation.

The Convention’s goal is to highlight the contributions and potential of women in real estate while also engaging in meaningful discussion about some crucial issues facing the sector, such as sustainability, environment conscious practices and industry-wide policy frameworks, and innovative technology in Real Estate Development.

The Themes for the Sessions will include: ways to go Jal Bachao Kal Bachao, Empowering Real Women in the Real World, Green Building & Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Mindset: Scale & Growth of Indian Start-up.

The convention will bring together executives from the public and private sectors as well as the management of NAREDCO and NAREDCO Mahi. Parveen Jain, Chairman, NAREDCO; Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani, Vice Chairman, NAREDCO, Rajan Bandelkar, President, NAREDCO; Dr. Ananta S. Raghuvanshi, President, NAREDCO Mahi will grace the occasion. Some well-known dignitaries and keynote speakers who will likely address the gathering are Gurmit Singh Arora, President, Indian Plumbing Association; Ramveer Tanwar, Pond Man of India; Sanjay Dutt, CEO, Tata Housing; Padmashri Popatraoji Pawar; Sampat Devi, Gulabi Gang and Kavindra Taliyan, Ex CEO, Atal Incubation Centre, NITI AAYOG and Member Steering Committee, Ministry of Communications. Professionals, service providers, and business owners from all across the country will also have the chance to network and gain from the sessions.


“Over the past decade, the Real Estate Industry has undergone substantial upheaval. The industry has changed from being mostly informal and unorganised to becoming more structured and organised. Some good talent, regardless of gender, has emerged as a result of the sector’s formalisation and consolidation. The entry of large corporations into the sector has also increased opportunities for professional women. This does not negate the fact that there are still areas of the Real Estate market where women find it difficult to get into. Therefore, it will be beneficial to see women in top positions in the Real Estate Sector since they will act as mentors and role models for the subsequent wave of female workers. Furthermore, women have acquired the trust of their peers, bosses, and clients in order to prove their worth in the real estate industry, or any other profession for that matter.” said Dr. Ananta S. Raghuvanshi, President, NAREDCO Mahi.

Women have been breaking free from the constraints of a patriarchal society in recent years, reaching new heights in a variety of fields, including real estate. The fact that the industry is now much more organised and provides equal opportunity for everyone is one of the major paradigm shifts. Businesses are increasingly considering adopting a more inclusive workplace culture. Additionally, more and more women are ascending to executive roles in the Real Estate Sector, shattering the adage about the “glass ceiling.” Moving forward, we must maintain our focus and create ‘Policy Frameworks’ that can draw a broad workforce to real estate careers. To create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce, organisations must continue to prioritise Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) efforts,” stated Rajan Bandelkar, President, NAREDCO.
