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Vegas Mall celebrates the Power of Community


New Delhi, November 22, 2021: South West Delhi situated Vegas Mall celebrated and honoured Social Change Makers of Dwarka at the Power of Community programme in an event held at the mall. These changemakers were  identified  among  the  Dwarka residents  and  contributed  towards  the  society  and inspired hundreds of people as well.

The event was inspired by United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), which also act as a platform for ideation to promote sustainable living, cities and communities. Goal number eleven of UNSDG highlights safe, resilient, sustainable cities and communities. All the invitees, Vegas Mall & City Spidey took a pledge to support these goals in future as well.

Ravinder-ChoudharyOn the occasion, Ravinder Choudhary, AVP – Vegas Mall, said; “We are excited to be a part of such a noble event and would like to mention that Vegas Mall is not just a shopping destination but also promotes community development initiatives. Vegas Mall will keep on introducing and organizing such events to promote community development and harmony”.

Present at the event, B M Pun, Founder of CitySpidey said, “Power of community is an endeavour to forecast the community leaders and their exceptional work to inspire our fellow beings and also to help the community in establishing a sustainable future for tomorrow. Vegas Mall tends to initiate such practices and hence we both as an organisation believe that it’s our duty to render the community with best possible”.

 ACP-Rtd.-Rajinder-SinghFacilitated at the ceremony Community Leader ACP (Rtd.) Rajinder Singh said “The city based various sections of society can only be empowered culturally and materially only when these people are fed with regular inflow of updated news of holistic development of different segments of society happening around them.”

“In the fast-paced world people these days don’t have time to think about what they are doing to our environment and they don’t see the consequences. It’s a great initiative by Vegas Mall and cityspidey in order to educate people to help in developing a community which helps in safeguarding our environment so that we give our future generations a clean environment to live in”. Added Ms. Seema Sharma, one of the Community Lead.

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