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Blessing of Ganesha : Jan, 2014


Aries : Ganesha says a typical characteristic start for you. Caring, concern, moral values and your own duties keep you involved and busy. I see you concentrating more on your inner growth, even self analysis, leading to greater spiritual awareness. You will be able to finalise the deal on commercial property. Infact, spiritual and mental growth could be the trend that you see for the entire month. Your determination to get along better with people makes for some pleasant times.

Taurus : An altogether happier existence comes out of your formidable mental powers. Health-care and adequate rest will be so necessary  that without them, you (and Ganesha) cannot shape your life as you please or wish to. So, while taking care of others, you need to spare some thought for yourself, too. You need to take care of the property that you have rented and make a new agreement again this month.

Gemini : What you now extend is the hand of friendship, reaching out sincerely to people. Ganesha says all the C’s are vital for you right now – contacts, contracts (including ties / partnerships) and communicating by all means possible. He says this is precisely what you will be doing, since it is a very strong astro-indication. However, this is a period when you need to remain silent about all the dealings regarding property.

Leo : This month brings vast improvements in terms of your activities as well as your mind set.Your height enedawareness and perception continue, by the grace of Ganesha. They lead you to some major career decisions. In fact, you share even your innermost thoughts and bare your soul to the one you love. In fact, loving communication not only leads to extra fulfilment, but to shared success. Sell  the house that you are wishing to sell.

Virgo :  A sudden and some what uncharacteristic form of excitement seems to grip you now and there is a great desire /willingness to
take chances. The good thing is that this will mostly pay off. I suggest you not to buy any house or office this month. Perhaps you’ve studied the risks carefully, or may be its just luck. You hit high spots with gusto, both socially and financially, quite unlike your more conservative behaviour, usually. Cancer Consistency (even to the extent of predictability) is often considered to be a Cancerian hallmark. You certainly exhibit it now. As I said in the forecast, its security you crave and desire. Early in the month, you will embark on a round of dealing with finances in a keen, emphatic manner. Joint-finances and funds, loans, some buying and selling of residential plots are all on the horizon.


Libra : Let’s focus on the work arena first! Changes in your work will be seen very prominently. You may either change your job to do something you find more congenial and rewarding, or take on some extra work, even as a second or part-time job. The benefits you
seek are not strictly financial. You want to do your bit to help make the world a better planet. Care and nourish those who need it. You can work as a consultant of property and you will get good benefits.

Scorpio : Ganesha gives you both love and luck in ample measure, not to mention all kinds of pleasure. You are blessed many times over, in terms of your creativity and excellence, and pleasure in children’s activities. Money flows in easily. Your desire of buying a home will be fulfilled this month. Holidays, leisure activities and sports give pleasure / satisfaction / fun / enjoyment.

Sagittarius :  Now the glamour and sparkle are a bit dimmer, but they are still very much there. The money scene will be steady rather than spectacular, as it was last year. You can’t have it that way for long, anyway. What you do not lose is entertainment, a touch of romance or pleasure from children. I suggest you to stay away in dealing of the residential house this month as you may lose out.

Capricorn : Once again, you’ll have to focus your attention on money matters even though there may still be some health problems nagging at you. Pending property matters regarding the lands may come to an end; there could be a death, a legacy causing you  sorrow and joy / relief at the same time. The details will depend on your personal situation / horoscope. The trend / likelihood is definitely there.

Aquarius : Ganesha suggests that we first look at the day-to-day concerns, the more mundane matters of life. Long-distance and foreign connections, exchange and trade will be favoured. You’ll travel a fair amount and may strike up a chance acquaintance who shares your views, ideals and ideas. Also, you deal with a kind of person whom you know since years and your desire of getting a good property will come to an end.


Pisces : Recognition, rewards, greater power and prestige, property, belongings are enhanced greatly. Ganesha is being truly generous, and I am not reluctant to admit that you deserve it. What’s more, Ganesha feels that he shouldn’t leave out personal relationships. Overall, these are what finally matters the most, to most of us and especially to you. They may not always be able to express their caring, but it’s deep and sincere. I suggest you to go ahead and sell the property as you may get benevolent results.

Astrology Trivia
The word ‘horoscope’ comes from the Greek ‘horoskopos,’ meaning one who observes the hour.
The first known Greek horoscope is dated 61 B.C.E (before the common era)
Gemini sign is represented by the twins. Gemini’s are reputed of being dualnatured
Libra sign is represented by the scale (or the balance). Libra is an air sign
